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Auf wiedersehen lads


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Hi all, some of you might have been aware that I have been thinking about emigrating with my family to New Zealand, well recently we were accepted for residency there and on the 27th of June were off and with the time difference I wont be racing much in the leagues (if at all), so I’d like to say thanks for all the memories lads its been great.


I have met through the UKDirt leagues some wonderful people and had some great laughs, meeting lots of ukdirters at Coventry for the F1 WF, the F2 WF weekend at Taunton and the Skegness weekends and they are times that I’ll remember with a smile when im down under.




The last 3 1/2 years have been most enjoyable and ive had some great races with some fine people, it would unfair to single any racers out so I wont but the guys will know who they are, I also enjoyed my time on admin for which I thank them for giving me the chance, ive had 1 or 2 bad times as well, even me getting banned lol, so if Ive upset anyone I apologise but enough of that, it’s the good times I’ll remember most and the good laughs along the way but there was a chance to give my family a better lifestyle so were going for it.


My PC is going into a container tomorrow for shipping to NZ so my online time will be curtailed for a couple of months, except when I can blag access somewhere, so I’ll speak to some of you on msn & elsewhere.

I’d like to finish of by wishing UKDirt and its members all the best hopefully cya on track soon but if I don’t:






Cheers Albert


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Looks like Im going to have to find someone else to lean on in the bangers to get me round the corners now. :shrug::rofl:


Good luck to you and your family mate, its all a big up heaval with a move like this, but youve sure picked a real nice place to go to and Im sure that its going to be worth it. :thumbup:

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Hi Albz

We once had our differences but the best thing was that we spoke about it and got all solved, if not it was even better after it, thanks mr.

Having met you only a very few times at the F2 world finals at Cowdenbeath, Taunton and Barford, if I am right, I have to say you are a sound guy and want to wish you and the family all the best down under :042:



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I would like to wish you the best of luck Albz, you've been here since i first started so your talking almost four years, and I don't think we've ever disagreed on anything, always had great races, and you are a credit to the league, and i for one am sad to see you go. Was very nice to meet you on two different occasions (i seem to remember the first being at the cov world final in 2003, where you bowed down and said 'all hail MoR' and the second time grabbing me in a full nelson whilst Wrighty fired a load of aycliffe slang at me :shrug: ). Make sure you keep active on the forum and let us all know how your doing!


Good luck, hope you and your family have a great life over there.


Cheers MoR

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All the Best Albz.


You have been one of the good guys :thumbs_up: and its been a pleasure to race against you.

Pleased that we have met, and I wish you all the joy and happiness that NZ can bring you and your family.


Have a safe journey and Good Luck.



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well m8 you have finally told them and i'm going to add ma tuppence worth i can honestly say you have been a great help to me on ukdirt and i would not be where i am today if it was'nt for you showing me the right way to go

you have been a good friend and on the whole a good racer with me ( only the odd fall out lol)and it has been a pleasure to have known you and have met you and your family

so it goes for me too say i hope that you and susan and the kids have a great start in New Zealand and you know we will always be here trying our best or worst (as in my case) in here most nights so you know where to find us



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best of luck albertz and family

hope you have a great time albz m8 we have had some great laffs online and in real life m8 esp at the taunton world final when 401 oh how youll never forget that funny thing is if it was rerun id now be cheering along with you. so all the best m8 and hope maybe to see you in jan 2008 when i hope to come over


cheers travel :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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All the best to you and your family Albz, I am told New zealand is a beautiful country and quite similar to Scotland in some parts, it's a country I hope to visit one day, thanks for all the great racing over the years, thanks for your work on the admin team and for assisting me when I first joined admin.


Good luck :thumbs_up:



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Guest Trash

Good luck with everything Albz, I know how much and what is involved in getting the acceptances and visas etc so glad to see it has all come good for you.


All the best for everything that happens,



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all the best m8


you been a great uk dirt racer for years now m8, had some great battles with you m8



hopefully catch you on msn when your in new zealand m8 :thumbs_up:

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hiya mate not known u long but just a wee note to say all the best, had a few memories in the short time i have known u the 1 that sticks to mind is when we were on practice at northampton and i went in hard with the bumper he he bad mistake, u put me in every lap after till the practice session was over i know now not to put u in the fence lol anyway hope u and your family have a great time and keep in touch cheers for the good times and laughs :5::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

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Good luck m8, hope it all goes well for you.


You started around the same time as me, and have done almost as many F2 meetings, and jolt praccy, we've always had good races. Be odd not seeing you every week, hope to see you in there again once your settled.



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Good luck Albz, I hope NZ is all you expect from it and much more :thumbs_up:


Been a pleasure racing you over these years, and one of the stalwarts of the league imo which is always a loss. Hope this isnt the last we see of you on the online tracks





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Good luck :thumbup: , even though we have our differences.


Just aswell you are going to New Zealand and not Australia.

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